Friday, August 22, 2008

Editorial - Special Effects and Fancy Visuals, What’s the problem? No Story Attached

This editorial regards an issue I have had on my mind for some time, and that is the nature of special effects in the movies.

I mean sure, you’re probably all thinking “CG Effects are great and can do things regular effects can’t, right?” Well, here’s where I am going to make my point, although I enjoy some CG effects such as in Iron Man and Terminator 2, but most of the time they seem fake when compared to a piece of motion picture film and in such films as Transformers, the Star Wars prequels and others, the CG effects dominate the story and as a result, you’re just looking at a bunch of nice effects.

The same can also be applied for my money at least, to the new Blu-Ray format and its 1080p visuals, sure there nice to look at but the movie remains the same and in the case of something like Indy IV, where the movie was a total mess jammed pack with action scenes, it won’t make a lick of difference as far as I’m concerned.

Sorry this verges on Rant territory, but I just wanted to get that info out.

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