Thursday, February 11, 2016

Film Review - Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool is based off of the Marvel Comic and stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson a former Special Forces officer turned mercenary who learns he has terminal cancer but he is given the opportunity to be cured of his illness and inherit abilities that could make him a mutant superhero but this could come at a price.

Deadpool is good fun for these key reasons:

- First of all the script by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick is terrific, expertly adapting the comic to life in a way that feels like a comic book on screen as well as tipping its hat to the larger X-Men Universe the character exists in without hitting you over the head with doing so not to mention packing the film with many great one liners and a sweet love story at the centre of it all, watching this film reminded me a lot of the original Robocop that Paul Verhoeven made in 1987 and I mean that in a good way.

- Secondly the performances here are great, not once watching Reynolds on screen here did I think I was watching him I felt like I was watching the character on screen and he gives it everything he has in the role and has a very nice chemistry with Morena Barracin who plays Vanessa and she's also good as are Stefan Kapicic as Collossus, TJ Miller as Weasel, Gina Carano as Angel Dust and Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

- And lastly the action scenes are fantastic to watch, very fast paced, very exciting and full of great one liners as well as numerous amounts of blood but it's not excessive as it was in the Hateful Eight recently, my favourite has to be the opening action set piece on the highway that was a real treat.

Sadly there is one big negative to this movie and its Ajax the lead villain and frankly he feels very very bland when he should feel like the Stryker to the Deadpool character much like he does to Wolverine and both Josh Helman and Brian Cox made very strong impressions as Stryker in X-Men 2 and Days of Future Past but here Ed Skrein feels like a villain from a Jason Statham movie.

I also kept thinking of this as the recent passing of Alan Rickman has been on my mind a fair bit as his villain roles in both Die Hard and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves were so very memorable and thinking about that is making me miss him an awful lot but maybe this is the differnce between Tim Miller who is directing his first film here and Bryan Singer who has made his X-Men villains sing like Hummingbirds be they Magneto, Stryker and the Sentinels and I feel that he will do the same again with Apocalypse later this year (look he's done 3 and each has been excellent so I trust him okay.)

And so that was Deadpool and its good fun but the lack of a strong and memorable villain holds it back from being a highlight of the genre which this would have become for me had that element fallen into place as well as the script, the action, the jokes and the performances all do, 3 out of 5.

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