Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Editorial - Recommending Movies: Good or Bad?

This one is a more general editorial piece but like a lot of the others, its one that I feel is worth paying attention to and that is the recommendation of movies to family and friends.

Now, most critics I’ve listened to i.e.: Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel and Mark Kermode dance around this issue but most of the time will recommend the film they’re reviewing anyway where as I personally actually do have a problem with doing that.

Now the reason for this is because of the fact that I honestly do not know how that film will play with the people I’m giving the review to, I alluded to this in an earlier editorial regarding this subject but one of my feelings when regarding films is that certain ones are going to speak to certain people, in my case be it Die Hard, Dead Poets Society and Star Wars to name a couple of them, but in terms of recommendations I actually hesitate to do so because of this fact.

So there you have it folks, my editorial on recommending movies and how some are better at it than others.

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