Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Film Review - Supernova (2021)

 Supernova stars Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as a married couple who are taking a holiday, Firth’s character is a concert pianist with Tucci’s is a writer who is succumbing to dementia which troubles Firth’s character as this is the man he loves but the two are committed to taking a nice holiday before the end comes.


Supernova I probably would’ve enjoyed more if I hadn’t seen it so close to seeing June Again and the Father both of which also dealt with iconic actors playing characters with dementia and like those films has its funny moments but also very dramatic moments and Firth and Tucci are wonderful, you never tire of watching them on screen but there is only so often I can watch a film that deals with this subject and that sounds awful I know as Dementia is a gravely serious condition but I wish I had gotten some space movie wise between seeing this movie and seeing June Again and the Father.


Also nice in this movie are the British countryside landscapes which look beautiful on a big cinema screen and sometimes that feeling is a nice one to have especially after the last year when cinemas for the most part were closed and we were watching new movies at home where the countryside and the nighttime scenes just don’t look as nice on your TV as they do on a nice big cinema screen.


And so that was Supernova and its again a perfectly fine film that I did enjoy watching somewhat but after June Again and the Father I am over seeing movies about Dementia for the time being and am ready now for some escaping into a cinema with a good action adventure, 2 and a half out of 5.

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