Saturday, December 12, 2020

Film Review - Fatman (2020)

 Fatman tells the tale of Billy Wenan (Chance Hurtsfield) a young rich boy who happens to know a hitman (Walton Goggins) and after receiving a lump of coal in his Christmas stocking he then hires said hitman to kill Chris Kringle (Mel Gibson) and he has survived other attempts on his life in the past.


Fatman is an interesting movie in that it is not as bad as I thought it would be, its certainly a weird one but there were times where I did enjoy myself and I did laugh but there is a big big issue with this movie.


And that is the films tone, when the film strives for a black comedy feel it does work and that was when I did laugh at the film and have fun with it but when it tries to be serious it really doesn’t work and that was when I wasn’t really getting with the film.


As for the performances well, Mr Goggins is okay though he’s played this type of role before such as in the Hateful Eight but I did enjoy watching Mr Gibson again, yes he’s said some truly awful things and he’s gotten the punishment he rightfully deserves but I still had fun watching him here and like when I rewatched Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 earlier this year there is a clear reason he became a movie star and also a clear reason why he lost it all.


And lastly I have to talk about the young kid in this movie he is such a spoilt little brat that when I was watching the film I thought to myself “This kid is one adolescence away from turning into the Joker” and I feel like if the kid was likeable then this movie wouldn’t have these tonal problems as much as it does.


And so that was Fatman and look there is some fun to be had but the films tonal problems really hold it back, 2 and a half out of 5.

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