Saturday, February 9, 2019

Film Review - Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2019)

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is the newest entry in the Dragon Ball franchise and is again written by its creator Akira Toriyama and the story here sees Broly, a Saiyan exiled from Planet Vegeta when he was a baby and as a result spared the destruction of that world by Freeza, now many years later Freeza brings him and his father Paragus to Earth for the Dragon Balls and revenge against Goku and Vegeta but Broly may not be the Saiyan people think he is.

To say that I was excited for this movie is something of an understatement I am a huge Dragon Ball fan going back to when it first aired on Australian TV in January 2000 and the previews for this movie looked fantastic, some great fighting scenes, Toriyama writing the Saiyan backstory and some intrigue in regards to Broly but could it meet such high hopes or fall flat like many other films I look forward to.

Happily, most happily I will say this is a case of the former as I loved watching this movie and had not only so much fun but felt genuine exhilarated while watching it and it has been a fair while since I felt that sense of exhilaration while watching a movie in a cinema I would have to go back to X-Men Apocalypse, Dunkirk and Kingsman 2 to go back to feeling that way in my cinema seat.

But I’ll save you all the gushing response and give you the clinical response and first off I love that this movie actually does take the time to tell a story which has been somewhat lacking in the Dragon Ball universe where for the most part the story is there for some setup and then the fighting begins, not so here the story takes time to unfold and its great to see Toriyama properly write the Saiyan backstory here, those scenes are fantastic and add so much to the history of the series and also when the fighting does start it feels so much more satisfying.

This leads me to my second point the characters, Broly here actually feels like a character not the one dimensional punching bag yelling “KAKAROT” like he did in the earlier films here you get a sense of what his upbringing was like, what his life is and was like and also how deep down he’s a good guy who wants to do the right thing and it wasn’t his fault that circumstances changed his life for the worst and Vic Mignoga does a good job voicing the role.

And also the main group of characters are very well utilised here, Freeza far more justifies his presence in the story than he did in Resurrection F and he has a lot of the films best scenes plus some great laughs, Goku and Vegeta really shine as a pair here and they play off each other so very well while Piccolo has a nice scene here towards the films end.

If there is one character that does suffer it is Paragus and it is where I will start to talk about the nitpicks I have with the film Paragus is set up as a major character vowing revenge on King Vegeta and his bloodline over the treatment of his son but that story element is forgotten about (no doubt one of the things that had to go from Toriyama’s 3 hour treatment) and while the big fight scene between the 3 Saiyans is superb there are times where it all goes a little too fast to follow with your eyes.

And lastly I wanted another 20 minutes in this movie now this could be seen as me either wanting more for more’s sake or wanting more to flesh out the story and in all honesty it’s a bit of both the additional 20 minutes would’ve smoothed out some of the choppy editing the film has at times and develop some of the story points a little more allowing for a smoother watching experience but hopefully the DVD will have a longer version like Battle of Gods did where those problems are lessened or done away with entirely.

And so that was Dragon Ball Super: Broly an exciting and exhilarating film that I had so much fun watching on the big screen despite some minor nitpicks, 4 and a half out of 5.

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