Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Film Review - Cold Pursuit (2019)

Cold Pursuit stars Liam Neeson as Nels Coxman a local Snow Plow driver who is awarded as the town of Kehoe’s local citizen of the year but when his son Kyle (Michael Richardson, Neeson’s real life son) is found dead of a suspected drug overdose Nels seeks revenge against those responsible.

The first half of Cold Pursuit is a lot of fun with some great MA15 rated violence, Liam Neeson enjoying himself for a change as opposed to just sleep walking through a movie and just wanting the pay cheque at the end of it and some very funny humour even if most of the time all I could think of was the Mr Plow episode of the Simpsons (at one point I thought Linda Ronstadt was on the soundtrack) and during the films first half I just kept thinking of lines from that episode such as:

- So Long Superman, Your Secret Identity is Safe with Me
- We won’t miss a minute of School thanks to your father
- Say Hello to the Plow King

Among other lines plus I was thinking of Forbidden Widows Peak I know this sounds awfully silly as the two are very different in their feel but hey that’s just how I felt while watching this movie.

Unfortunately the second half becomes a little more serious in its tone and it wasn’t as much fun as the focus shifts towards these rival drug dealers and it got a little boring especially as Neeson has very little to do with this section of the film, as for Ms Laura Dern who plays his wife in the film she has a couple of moments and then leaves while the drug dealer villain was kind of boring and it’s a real shame as when this movie was fun it was a lot of fun to watch.

And so that was Cold Pursuit and “Call Mr Plow that’s his name that name again is Mr Plow” sorry I couldn’t resist though this is best saved to watch when there’s nothing on at 3.17am I’m afraid, 2 out of 5.

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