Saturday, January 25, 2014

Film Review - The Book Thief (2014)

The Book Thief stars Sophie Nelisse as Liesel, a young girl sent to live with a foster family in Germany during the time of Hitler and the Nazi rule which Liesel sees for herself as the years go on from book burning to rallies to people being beaten in the streets but the greatest threat is that of Jewish people, one of whom is being hidden from them and his name is Max.

I was really nicely surprised by this film, it had a nice emotional core to it primarily thanks to the performances by Nelisse and Geoffrey Rush as her foster father and who becomes a character you really come to care for as the film goes on and I was also very taken by the overall look and story of the film having studied this period of history myself and having an interest in reading books so the film had a lot more appeal to me that I thought it would.

And so a brief review to be sure but this is a film worth seeing if you get a chance to do so, 3 out of 5.

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