Friday, October 25, 2013

Film Review - Captain Phillips (2013)

Based off a true story in 2009, Captain Phillips stars Tom Hanks as the aforementioned captain whose cargo ship is hijacked by Somalia Pirates led by Muse (Barkhard Abdi) and his terms of ransom will be high as will be the stakes for the Captain's rescue.

I went into Captain Phillips with very mixed expectations as while it looked like an interesting thriller, the preview for this film really put me off with his BWAAAAMMMPPPP noises and fast cutting and I thought "this doesn't look all that good" but I became curious as to whether I was being mislead by a bad preview which can be the case at times and that the film itself might be good.

Well as it turned out to be the case, the film went straight down the middle for me, don't get me wrong it was much, much better than I thought it would be mainly due to Paul Greengrass's direction and the solid performances by Hanks, Abdi (he is the real star of this film) and the nicely surprising appearance by Max Martini from Pacific Rim and I certainly did smile when he showed up.

But alas I wasn't really all that engaged for a large chunk of the film, it's well made, the climax is very tense but as I think more about it I get this feeling of "Eh, it was alright and I was glad I went and saw it but at the same time it was just straight down the middle.", it's probably the best I can explain that feeling but that was honestly how I felt throughout a lot of this movie.

So to wrap this one up, Captain Phillips is worth seeing for its terrific climax and solid performances from the two key leads but for me it was very much a straight down the middle thriller, 3 out of 5.

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