Monday, March 8, 2010

Film Review - Up (2009)

Up is the latest film from the Pixar animation studios and concerns a man named Carl Frederickson voiced by Edward Asner who after losing his beloved wife Ellie faces being sent to an old age home after attacking a person, but he has a cunning plan to avoid letting that happen and holding on to the one thing that has meaning in his life.

Up is a film where 2/3rds of it work and 1/3rd of it doesn’t, although the film is essentially about High Adventure and realizing that it can have more than one meaning, the core of the film regarding Carl and Ellie is beautifully handled and will bring about many tears, a good portion of the comedy is very funny especially regarding the dogs but if the film has a failing it’s this.

Firstly, the character of the cub scout doesn’t quite work as well and at times is a nuisance and lastly the action part of the film becomes quite silly very quickly with these two old men fighting it out.

But Up is a very well done film and I’ll happily give it a 3 and a half out of 5.

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