Saturday, March 27, 2010

Film Review - Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Alice in Wonderland is based on the Lewis Carroll novels but this time around has been adapted by director Tim Burton and screenwriter Linda Woolverton, the story this time is that Alice played by Mia Wasikowska is now 19 and engaged to be married, but while she's walking around the gardens she spots a white rabbit in a great hurry and as a result, stumbles down to a place she can't quite remember.

While there are parts of this film I enjoyed, mainly the performances by Wasikowska, Stephen Fry and Alan Rickman, the film as a whole has no idea what to do with itself, best seen as the uncertainty around Alice herself and whether she is indeed the same one that came to their land as a young girl, on top of that it is also hard to understand what everyone is saying as most of their lines feel like they're on fast forward, the Wonderland characters aren't that interesting and the visual look of the film just made me think of Pandora from Avatar, but it's also nowhere as magical as that world.

Alice is an okay film and one that I didn't mind somewhat but one that is unsure of itself and hard to gain any emotional interest in, so it gets a 2 out of 5.

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