Friday, November 13, 2009

Film Review - Crimson Tide (1995)

Crimson Tide stars Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington as the captain and XO (Executive Officer) of the USS Alabama which after an attack from a Russian submarine loses it Communications grid and with it, final orders on whether to launch its compliment of nuclear weapons on Russia, what follows is high stakes.

And high stakes is what you could say to describe Crimson Tide, as Washington and Hackman take centre stage in their fight for the Alabama with Viggo Mortensen the key to it all, now Crimson Tide is well made, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and the late Don Simpson and directed by Tony Scott, it recalls the feeling of Das Boot, the German WW2 submarine film with its use of close ups and tracking shots.

Bit it also feels very bombastic with its constant use of music and bright lights, which undercut the tension of the scenes, something that John McTiernan’s Hunt for Red October had in spades, one also gets the feeling that Simpson, Bruckheimer and Scott made this film to get revenge on Red October, which outdid their Days of Thunder at the 1990 Box Office.

Overall though, Crimson Tide is well made but only scores a 2 and a half out of 5.

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