Friday, August 11, 2023

Film Review - Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter (2023)

Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter is based off of the log of the wooden ship Demeter from Bram Stokers Dracula novel and stars Corey Hawkins as a doctor who gets a job on the Demeter which is transporting some private cargo from Carpathia to London but one of those crates has the mark of the Dragon on it and it could lead to a dark time on this voyage.

Voyage of the Demeter isn’t the best horror film you’ll see but its also pretty solid and much of that is due to Andre Ordeval’s direction, he doesn’t rely on loud noises/quick cuts or jump scares as much as others do but instead he is actually willing to let the scenes breathe a little and build tension with the crew on the ship and the Demeter makes for an effective location as its out to sea with no sign of land and no other ships to come to its aid.

Also what works is the cast, though Hawkins at times sounds a little out of place with his accent he makes for a good doctor on board as does David Dastmalchian as the ships first officer, Liam Cunningham is also very good as the ships captain and Aisling Franciosi is good as Anna who has found her way on board and may have a strange connection with the beast Dragul played here by Javier Botet and he too is good in his role.

And so that was Dracula Voyage of the Demeter and it’s a good solid horror film that should satisfy fans enough for them to enjoy it, 3 out of 5.

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