Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Film Review - The Railway Man (2013)

The Railway Man is based on a true story and stars Colin Firth as Eric Lomax, a railway enthusiast who meets Patti (Nicole Kidman) on a train, the two marry but Eric is haunted by his memories of the war, memories that lead him to an unlikely conclusion.

The Railway Man is actually a pretty good film and is well acted by Firth who whilst watching him in this I thought "He'd be a good Professor Calculus" and Kidman is surprisingly very effective here and I enjoyed watching her here but my favorite performance is by Stellan Skarsgard as one of the other veterans, ever since first seeing him as Captain Tupalov from the Hunt for Red October I always try to check out what films he's in and here he steals the show.

Apart from that, I don't have an awful lot more to say about this film other than it was fine and well acted but not one to rush out and pay a full admission to see, 2 and a half out of 5.

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