Saturday, December 14, 2013

Film Review - This is the End (2013)

This is the End,
It Stars Seth Rogen and his Friends,
He and They go to Party,
Then their Home Bursts Again.

Then the Skyfalls,
The Earth Crumbles,
They Must Stand tall and face it all together,
At LA.

And quite frankly that plot synopsis set to Adele's Skyfall song is funnier than any of the jokes I saw in this movie as I found it to be an unfunny borefest pretty much from start to finish, Rogen and Co are not very funny as themselves though Rogen has been good in the past in roles such as his one in 50/50 and the whole idea of the end of the world is mainly there for some pointless references and cameos some of which border on amusing to just pointless.

But my real problem with this film as I said is the near complete lack of laughs I mean so much of the jokes are based off of that leery manchild humour that might have been amusing when I was 16 or 17 (oh wait a minute it's just come to me, I didn't think it very funny then, I just thought it was horrible and nearly cruel) but now I just find even more unfunny, it basically consists of:

- Constantly talking about drinking
- Talking about smoking Pot
- Talking about Boobs
- Talking about Intercourse

And so on and so forth.

That's pretty much the gist of a lot of the film's humour right there, I hated it when I was 16-17 and I hate it even more now not to mention the boring as hell pop culture references that come out of nowhere and for me don't seem to be inspired as to be thrown in there because well that's one part of the manchild style humour throughout this film and all it did was make me cringe whenever they came on.

So yeah boys and girls, I did not enjoy this movie very much at all and it will probably go down as one of my least favourite films of the year, 0 out of 5.

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