Friday, December 21, 2012

Film Review - Wreck It Ralph (2012)

Wreck-It Ralph is the latest animation from Walt Disney Studios and stars John C. Reilly as Ralph, the bad guy in his arcade game "Fix-It Felix Jr." But Ralph has had enough of being the bad guy and wants to do good no matter the cost.

I went into Wreck-It Ralph with a sense of optimism as the trailers had made the film look promising and the last couple of years have been very average for animated movies, can this be the film that turns that tide?

Well sadly, it is not but by no means do I think that it's a terrible film at all, it's just one that I am of two halves of, first off I'll start with the positives and that is pretty much the entire first half of the film, it was exciting, it had some great gags and it had a neat feeling to it that made it feel fresh.

But there are two halves to this movie and the 2nd was where the film really let it itself down for me as for most of that time you are in a game world that for me was very off putting visually as well as the central character named Vanellope voiced by Sarah Silverman being really bratty and obnoxious to the point where she really started to annoy me with her whiny voice that for me I found hard to put up with after a while.

Despite that though, the third act climax had some excitement to it and Jane Lynch from Glee was very good in her role as a tough sergeant from another arcade game.

And lastly there is a short before the feature called "Paperman" a silent black and white short which I found to be really charming and quite cute, I would also say that I enjoyed it more than I did the film that followed it and it was a nice surprise I didn't know about heading into the movie.

So all in all, Wreck-It Ralph is okay but overall I found it to be nothing special either, still I think families will enjoy it (and the families I saw it with were very quiet during the film) and it will do well with that crowd over the holidays, 2 out of 5.

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