Saturday, December 1, 2012

Film Review - Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Snow White and the Huntsman is the 2nd Snow White film to be released this year but this one has a different cast and feel to this year's Mirror Mirror, the story here concerns Snow White (Kristen Stewart) the fairest of them all who is held prisoner inside the castle of the wicked queen (Charlize Theron) but she escapes and flees into the woods, so a local Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) is sent to track her down and bring the queen her heart.

I went into the Huntsman with mixed expectations, the trailers looked promising and I like Hemsworth and Theron though Stewart was the drawback as I can't say I've found her appealing, so with that was the film good?

Well to be frank, no it wasn't, this for me was a failure on almost every level, the film's pace plods along at a rate I haven't seen since Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier as like that film it takes that smegging long to get its story going that you just lose interest when the stuff you want to see happens actually gets to happen, this is just pure and simple incompetence.

And as for the rest, well let me start with Stewart who is simply boring in the title role, for most of the movie she just scowls and mumbles and she occasionally breaks out a small grin but she exudes no warmth or charisma in the role and even if she did manage to smile properly, it would most likely mean the unravelling of the time space continuum or the end of the world as we know it (and we won't feel fine.)

And also, Theron is completely wasted in her role as all she does for most of the movie is SHOUT SOME OF HER LINES LIKE THIS and play the whole thing like the pantomime villain that just misses her "I'll get you next time, Snow White, NEXT TIME" line, I really loved Theron in Young Adult and it pains me to say she dropped the ball here big time.

But the two main saving graces here are Hemsworth and Bob Hoskins, Hemsworth is clearly having fun in his role and enjoying being the Han Solo-esque supporting player while Hoskins brightens the film up in his limited scenes, how sad it will be to see him gone from our cinema screens.

So all in all, the Huntsman misses his target by a fair margin and the film fails on almost every level to inspire its audience, hopefully Peter Jackson's return to Middle Earth with part 1 of his Hobbit trilogy can deliver the goods for fantasy film fans later this year, .5 out of 5.

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

Good review Sim. A lot darker and grittier than most fairy tales we see on the big screen, but it worked and gave this film a new edge to it that I think it needed. Story could have had more tension to it though.