Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Film Review - The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

The Amazing Spider-Man reboots the Spider-Man character with a new look, feel and cast, this time Andrew Garfield takes the mantle and this time Peter Parker is a loner who was abandoned by his parents at a young age but after being bitten by a radioactive spider well you know the rest.

I went into the new Spider-Man very keen on it being a fun film, I liked the look of the film and the more serious direction it was hinted at in the previews, so was the film worth the wait?

Happily it was, I really liked the film for the most part, I thought Garfield really nailed the part especially when he was Spider-Man which were the best parts of the movie overall, finally I got the sense that this was like the Spider-Man I grew up watching in the animated series in the mid-90's, confident, cracking quips and assured of himself in the night sky, a far cry from the endless whining of Maguire's Spider-Man in his movies, Emma Stone was also good in her role and its crystal clear that her and Garfield have fantastic chemistry when they're on screen together.

I also enjoyed seeing Campbell Scott in his very small role as well as Rhys Ifans and Dennis Leary in their key roles as well as Martin Sheen and Sally Field who are inspired choices for Uncle Ben and Aunt May, I also liked the more serious tone the film had to it as well which again was a refreshing change from the tone of Sam Raimi's movies which at times bordered being on "like strands of the Spider Web, these are the days of my life."

However the film has some faults to it, mainly around the film's editing structure regarding two key subplots, it feels like that the resolution of those were cut out of the movie to avoid a 150 minute running time and get you to the main fighting in the film quicker so that audiences don't sit there thinking "Get on with it" which is a shame as those scenes absence are felt throughout the film and the CG regarding the Lizard (the film's villain) is pretty bad and for the most part looks like early 90's CG.

So all in all, I was really pleased with this new Spider-Man movie and am so happy that it worth the wait I endured to get to see it, 3 and a half out of 5.

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