Saturday, January 14, 2012

Film Review - Super (2011)

Super stars Rainn Wilson as Frank, a middle aged guy who works in a diner and lives with his wife Sarah (Liv Tyler) who leaves him for Jacques (Kevin Bacon) a charismatic drug dealer, this sends Frank over the edge and after a dream one night, he decides to become a superhero and everything begins to turn around.

Super is very much wanting to be another Kick Ass type movie in that you have an ordinary bozo who decides to dress up as a superhero and I thought Kick Ass was a lot of fun as well as being violent and making its characters important to the plot and having a sense of weight in terms of their dimensions.

Super in comparison just feels deadly boring and incredibly clunky, I couldn't really care at all whether the good guys got blown to kingdom come or the daylights beaten out of them, this is because the film has such a cavalier attitude to the violence that was for me very off-putting, and I am very tolerant to most levels of screen violence but this felt overdone.

On top of that, the two leads Wilson and Ellen Page came across as lunatics, Wilson's character in particular, I mean he comes across as someone who could go crazy and shoot up a mall over his divorce plus he mumbles most of his smegging lines throughout the film, aye aye aye and Page who is okay became more and more annoying as the film went on which is a shame as Page is a good actress.

But what feels worst is this, the lack of fun to counteract the hyper violence, something I thought Kick Ass did very well, yes it was violent, yes it had a dark streak but the film also had a sense of fun to lighten the proceedings, here everything seems dark for no purpose or reason to justify it being in the film, the last time I remember this happening to me was Robocop 2 from 1990 which had endless bloody violence without any of the heart or humour that made the first Robocop so good.

There was one thing that I did like and that was Kevin Bacon, his performance finds the right note and it's that note the film really needed to find but sadly it doesn't and Bacon feels wasted as a result.

All in all, I can't recommend this movie, it was dull, clunky and far too violent without anything to counteract its impact or justify its existence in the film, .5 out of 5.

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