Monday, March 29, 2010

Game Review - God of War III (PS3, 2010)


God of War III is the PS3 debut of the exiled Spartan Kratos and is the final chapter of his story to take his revenge on the Gods, more importantly THE god Zeus, plus on top of that he also deals with such beings as Gaia and the Lord Hades, just to name some.

God of War III is actually a pretty good game and I enjoyed playing it, Kratos is a well developed character with a good history, the timing of the game's release is neatly slotted in with the recent theatrical releases of Percy Jackson and the remake of Clash of the Titans and the blood in this game is simply glorious to look at.

But if I do have a complaint it's this; I have severe doubts that this game is worth the $120 price mark in Australian stores, normally on average PS3 and Xbox 360 games retail for $110 but sometimes titles like this and Batman Arkham Asylum go up to the higher $120 mark, and that I feel is too high plus I must say that I object to the MA15+ rating given to this game, yes I know it's because an R category doesn't exist at the time this review is published but this is a classic example as to why this needs to be introduced, here is a game full of blood, sexual content and at times violence towards women, I can't say that I feel comfortable somewhat about 10-15 year old's getting this game.


Even though the visuals are only in 720p, they are glorious to look at especially the blood as I mentioned before, there are also a lot of very detailed levels and environments that are nicely shown off throughout various points of the game, the battle scenes are fluid in motion and large in scope, no complaints here, a job well done.


Again, no complaints to be had, as you go through the game you are given instructions on how to perform the various skills you inherit as the game goes on, they are easy to get around after some time to get use to them.


God of War III is a Game that is perfectly enjoyable and fans should lap it up post haste, but for me the high price mark and objectionable rating keep me from it giving it a purchase, so I'll say that it's worth a good rental for newcomers but fans well, chances are you have it already.

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