Friday, August 19, 2022

Film Review - Nope (2022)

Nope is the new movie by Jordan Peele who made Get Out in 2017 and Us in 2019 and he reunites here with his Get Out star Daniel Kaluuya who along with his sister played by Keke Palmer take over their late fathers Hollywood Horse training business after he is killed in a freak accident, an accident that may be connected to strange events going on up in the sky.


I have been really looking forward to Nope as I’m a big Jordan Peele fan but while I really loved Get Out I did not care for Us as I felt that film failed to stick the landing in its third act whereas Get Out did deliver a good ending so while I was keen for Nope I had my guard up to some extent as to whether it would be another Get Out or another Us.


And well its better than Us but nowhere near as good as Get Out and the first reason for that is Hoyte Van Hoytema who has been Christopher Nolan’s cinematographer since Interstellar in 2014 and he and Peele make for a good pair as this movie looks great and deserves to be seen on a big cinema screen especially with a good sound system as there are multiple moments where you really feel the bass in the sound system kick in and it sounds great in the cinema.


The film also has a few good performances, Kaluuya and Palmer are good together as Brother and Sister and while Palmer at times bothered me she does good work here, Steven Yeun is very good as well as a former child TV star who helps run a local cowboy park while Michael Wincott should be in the running for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination as a grizzled cinematographer chasing the impossible shot and he steals every scene he’s in he’s that good.


But sadly what I missed from this movie is that same Wow factor that I felt Get Out had as that film for me had the fire, the passion and the desire on Peele’s part to tell that story and make that film as it felt like he had something to say, he wanted to make that movie and he found a company in Blumhouse to let him make it whereas here I felt he did a good job but it didn’t grab me like that film did.


And so that was Nope and it’s a good time at the movies and is better than Us but nowhere near as good as Get Out, 3 out of 5.

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