Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is the 4th animated Dragon Ball film and the first to use CG animation in a major way and this time the Red Ribbon Army has returned through the new Commander Magenta and recruits Dr Gero’s grandson Dr Hedo to create new Androids Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 to attack the Dragon Team who Dr Hedo has been convinced is a secret Alien army poised to conquer the world but with Goku and Vegeta off world with Broly, Whis and Beerus it’s up to Gohan and Piccolo to lead the fight and save the Earth from this new threat.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a lot of fun for this long time Dragon Ball fan and nicely references the previous events of the Manga/TV Series in case you haven’t watched those storylines in a while, the use of Gohan and Piccolo as the leads of the story makes for a nice sense of refreshment as Goku and Vegeta were so front and centre in the Broly movie that everyone else was almost ignored now that is reversed somewhat and Piccolo and Gohan work well as the leads and have some memorable moves of their own.
As for the overall storytelling it is a lighter film than Broly or Resurrection F were and I think this makes a nice refreshing change as unlike the Marvel films the humour here doesn’t feel forced and it nicely reflects the origins of the Manga as an action/gag comedy series and during this movie part of me was wishing that Akira Toriyama who created the manga and wrote the script for this movie got to create a new action/comedy manga in the mid to late 90s after Dragon Ball ending its run with the Cell Arc in 1993.
Now the action and animation and the CG animation takes some getting used to especially after the beautiful hand drawn animation in the Broly movie but after a while it didn’t bother me and the action here is typical of Dragon Ball but here it was fun to watch though I am sick to death of seeing Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu constantly getting sidelined in this series now I can understand Toriyama not wanting to use them much as he barely used them after the 23rd World Tournament Arc but they are core characters in this series and deserve some love and usage especially with Goku and Vegeta not having a large role in this movie.
And so that was Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero and for a long time Dragon Ball fan like me it’s a lot of fun and is close behind the Broly movie in my ranking of the 4 films released since Battle of Gods in 2013 and fans will enjoy this a lot and it currently sits at 6th in my favourite films of the year list, 3 and a half out of 5.