Call of the Wild is directed by Chris Sanders who worked on such Disney animated movies as Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King and is now stepping into live action for the first time with this movie based off of an old novel, the story here concerns Buck a giant Dog who is fully realised with CG effects in the film who is taken from his home and transported to the Alaskan wilderness where after losing his mail route sled meets an old man (Harrison Ford) who takes a warmth to him and they go off on an adventure together.
Call of the Wild is a perfectly fine family film that had the families in my session enjoying themselves and it probably would’ve done well in the School Holidays but for me I thought it was okay if nothing special, Mr Ford is his usual grizzled self where he talks like he does for a long time now with a grizzly voice and it works here I feel.
Mr Omar Sy is also very good in the film and has a bigger role than I thought he would while Dan Stevens was a little over the top as the main bad guy but again was perfectly fine.
As for Buck the CGI Dog, I have to say it did not bother me anywhere near as much as I thought it would after hearing so much about it and it giving me a weird vibe in the previews for the film, there are times for sure where there are closeups of his face and it has a more human look to it (which didn’t surprise me given Sanders animation background) but what did bother me was some of the scenes with the wolves with 2 in particular making me think straight up of the Lion King.
And also the more I thought about this CG dog the more I thought that Brain from Inspector Gadget is now properly possible to realise on film and Chris Sanders would make a good Inspector Gadget film given his experiences with Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and this movie and given how animated and expressive Brain gets in the series, going down this CG route will work perfectly for him though Mad Cat can easily be done with a real animal given it only sits on a desk.
And so that was Call of the Wild and its fine, perfectly fine though I wouldn’t be in a rush to see it, 2 out of 5.
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