Triple Frontier is a new Netflix movie directed by JC Chandor who also made A Most Violent Year back in 2015, the story follows a group of former Army officers (Oscar Isaac, Ben Affleck, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund and Pedro Pascal) who raid the home of a Drug kingpin in South America and make off with all of his money but getting that money safely out of the country along with all of their lives is going to be very difficult.
Triple Frontier is really good and this is probably the first movie Netflix has made that I have genuinely really gotten behind and a lot of that is due to Mr Chandor’s direction as like in A Most Violent Year he displays a firm hand at the directorial wheel and is once again helped by his editor Mr Ron Patane and his cinematographer Mr Roman Yasyanov both of these men do terrific work in their respective fields with both Mr Patane’s fluid and streamlined editing that not only shows off the beautiful landscapes but also gives the films action scenes a sense of clarity and vividness while Mr Yasyanov shows off the Andes’ Mountains and the Jungles of South America very well with the wet, the cold and the beaches all looking very nice.
The 5 main actors also do very good work both as a group and on their own, Oscar Isaac I feel hasn’t been this good in a movie in a while and he shows us what an utterly charismatic leading man he is in his performance carrying the film very well on his shoulders, I also loved seeing Ben Affleck again in a movie and he was good in this film as well even though he isn’t quite delivering his A game like he has in recent years, Mr Pascal, Mr Hunnam and Mr Hedlund were also all pretty good even though they don’t quite get to shine as much as the other 2 men do.
And lastly though there aren’t many of them the films action scenes are also really good and nicely show off a lot of blood after a gunshot is fired which is something that I have missed with a lot of the action movies of recent years opting to be bloodless in their violence mainly to get that coveted PG-13 rating which guarantees the biggest possible audience well I like seeing blood in my action scenes and gunfights and I am glad there was some here.
And so that was Triple Frontier and it continues JC Chandor’s strong streak with a good ensemble, editing, cinematography, direction and action, this was a movie I really enjoyed, 3 and a half out of 5.
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