Penguins of Madagascar is a spinoff film for the Madagascar franchise and this time focuses on the four Penguins Skipper, Private, Kowalski and Rico as they become a Spy team out to stop the villainous Octopus Dave (John Malkovich) as well as fight off the North Wind led by well that's Classified (Benedict Cumberbatch.)
I hadn't seen an awful lot about this film going into it other than the trailer and the poster but I decided to give it a look out of curiosity so could it be fun?
Surprisingly it was, I did have a good deal of fun with this movie, I liked the fast pace of the piece (it certainly kept the kids quiet which is a plus) and I liked the dynamic of the four Penguins themselves (they had a good rapport with each other) plus Cumberbatch is extremely good as Classified and I couldn't help but be reminded of some of the voices from the British TV series Danger Mouse, hopefully with the remake of that show in the works (sacrilege) he'll be drafted for a guest spot.
And so 2015 kicks off for me with a nice surprise in this movie, if you can get to it at a matinee price I highly recommend doing so, 3 out of 5.
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