Fury is directed by David Ayer and stars Brad Pitt as Wardaddy a tank commander in the dying months of World War 2 but one day a greenhorn named Norman (Logan Lerman) is assigned to his tank division and a dangerous mission may be the making or breaking of him.
Going into this film I felt very mixed mainly because seeing the preview for the film made me think "This will be either Great or Terrible" so was it either of those?
Nope it was actually neither of those things for me, don't get me wrong it isn't a bad film not in the slightest but I also didn't think it was all that great either.
Before I delve into those I will talk more about what I did like and those are the battle scenes with the tanks and the ensemble surrounding Fury (which is the name of the tank in the film), the battle scenes are nicely put together and I did like Pitt in the lead role, he's definitely surprised me recently with his good work in this film as well as World War Z and Inglorious Basterds, I actually liked Shia LaBeouf here (the day has come) and Lerman shows more of the promise he gave us in Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Also worth talking about are Michael Pena and Jon Bernthal as well as Jason Issacs in his small role but at the same time I just found the film overall to be lacking in that visceral emotional punch that it wants you to feel but I just didn't mainly because I was like "Yeah they're all going to die now" which makes it hard to care by contrast Lone Survivor with Mark Wahlberg from earlier this year gave me that feeling of a group down and out fighting against the odds and it was faster paced, more exciting and emotionally visceral than this film is.
And I recommend that film over this one as whilst it is well made and performed emotionally it falls short, 2 and a half out of 5.
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