Dawn of the Planet of the Apes takes place 10 years after the events of Rise of the Planet of the Apes and in that time a Virus has wiped out most of humanity and the humans band together to survive, the Apes meanwhile have set up a home on the outskirts of San Francisco led by Ceasar (Andy Serkis) but the encorachment of Humans may threaten their peaceful life in the forest.
I have to confess that I was somewhat mixed heading into this film primarily because I was not a huge fan of Rise of the Planet of the Apes it had its moments but it bored me for the most part but the previews for this film that showed Jason Clarke (one of my favourite actors of the moment) having a role as well so I became more excited for it, did it make a happy little monkey out of me or make me hate every Ape I see from Chimpan A to Chimpanzee.
Happily I can say "I Love You Dr. Zaius" as this film did make a happy little monkey out of me much more than Rise did and that is primarily down to the Apocalyptic setting of this new film which for me seemed to fit the story better than the modern day setting Rise had, Clarke is also very good here as the lead human as was Keri Russell who had a larger role than I first thought she would though sadly out of the main human cast Gary Oldman just sounded like a broken record doing his Jim Gordon voice from Batman and it just pulled me out of the film whenever he appeared.
But the real star of this film is Serkis as Caesar and again he weaves the same performance capture magic that he did when he played Gollum/Smeagol in Lord of the Rings, I still hate the fact that he was Captain Haddock in Tintin a couple of years ago (Richard Armitage would've been much better in the role) but here you really get a sense that there is a living breathing performer in the character and when you see Caesar's eyes you really believe Serkis is there, I really really hope that he gets a Special Achievement Oscar for his Motion Capture Work as when he gets it right, its magical.
And so all in all, Apes Sequel is Strong and well worth a look though leave the kids at home, 3 out of 5.
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