Friday, May 30, 2014

Film Review - A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)

Life on the Frontier in 1882 is harsh for Albert Stark (Seth MacFarlane who also writes and directs this film), if he's not being hunted by everything around him he's being dumped by his girlfriend Louise (Amanda Seyfried) after abandoning a gun fight but one day a mysterious woman named Anna (Charlize Theron) rides into town and everything begins to change.

I have to confess that I was not looking forward to seeing this film very much mainly because I am not a huge fan of MacFarlane's work, I mean sure I've enjoyed Family Guy and American Dad on occasion but his 2012 film Ted did not do an awful lot for me but the addition of Theron and more importantly Liam Neeson in the cast had me curious as Neeson was very funny in the Lego Movie, did it rise above my low expectations?

Well actually it did do that for me, this film was not a great film to be sure but I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed the film, I specifically enjoyed the performances by Theron who shows a side to her we've very rarely seen in a film before and Neil Patrick Harris who has great fun being a moustache twirling villain.

However the film does falter in three key areas which I will now outline in more detail:

- The first is the jokes themselves, the general observations about life on the Frontier are fairly clever in and of themselves but like most US comedies there is way too much reliance on toilet humour and those jokes did not make me laugh very much.

- The second is that I really didn't care all that much for the love triangle at the centre of the film as it was yet again the tired old cliché of the down and out geeky loser who is dumped by his heartless girlfriend only to find the woman of his dreams who has so much in common with him they just fall hopelessly in love.

PUH-LEASE! Give me a smegging break first of all this is not how romance works as most women these days probably wouldn't even look twice at dorkish looking blokes instead would probably dismiss them out of hand and second of all this has been done over and over and over again and I just cannot stand it.

- And lastly the film is simply way too long, when it got to the final climax I just wanted the film to be over and done with, this could've easily all been done in 90 minutes instead of nearly 2 hours, smegging hell I am just losing patience with this.

But all in all, I did not hate A Million Ways to Die in the West despite my problems with the film but I also can't say that I would recommend it to people to go and see, your best off going to see X-Men Days of Future Past instead, 2 out of 5.

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