Saturday, September 1, 2012

Film Review - Frankie and Johnny (1991)

Frankie and Johnny stars Al Pacino as Johnny, a man who has only just finished serving an 18 month prison sentence and comes to New York to start a new chapter of his life, Pfeiffer plays Frankie a woman who works at a small cafe and when the two meet after Frankie becomes the new short order cook, nothing can prepare them for the experiences that will follow.

Frankie and Johnny is surprisingly a pretty good rom com directed by Garry Marshall (Pretty Woman) and that is mainly down to the chemistry between Pacino and Pfeiffer who also worked together on Brian de Palma's 1983 gangster classic Scarface and that history shows in their scenes as they play off each other very well though Pfieffer is the show stealer here as she is something quite good in this and its proof she's not just another pretty face.

Another thing I also liked was that it stuck mainly to those two characters for the whole of the film, 99% of rom coms will normally throw in a 3rd wheel in the third act in the guise of someone going "Hi hun, remember me" and it would split the two lovers and throughout this movie I was waiting for that to happen and surprisingly it didn't, nice to see a rom com that had the guts to just stick with its simple love story all the way through without resorting to a gimmicky rival in the 3rd act.

So all in all, this one ain't too bad, 2 out of 5.

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