Friday, March 23, 2012

Film Review - John Carter of Mars (2012)

John Carter of Mars stars Taylor Kitsch as John Carter, a former Confederate Army Officer who is hunting for caves of Gold, one day he finds one only to then be transported to the planet of Barsoom otherwise known as Mars, there he will find a new destiny.

When I heard about this film I was excited to see it mainly due to a near complete lack of Science Fiction films in the current film market so I went to see it as soon as I could, with that how did I find the film coming out of the cinema after it ended?

Well, let me say that it’s not terrible, mainly due to some nice effects work and editing, you always get a sense of where the action is happening and who is fighting who to a certain extent and there’s always a stable camera to follow the action, I also liked Willem Dafoe and Mark Strong in their medium sized roles.

But sadly, this film has no sense of a storyline or screenplay at all and you sit there feeling very confused in regards to what the movie is about, it’s as if director Andrew Stanton is putting this movie together with storyboards instead of writing an actual script which tells a good story and not just use the story as an excuse to just move the audience along to the next big battle sequence which are in and of themselves well done but come to dominate the movie at the story’s expense.

So all in all, its a weird blending of Avatar, Attack of the Clones and the Outlaw Josey Wales, frankly you would be best of renting Avatar and watching that film instead of this one, for all its faults at least has some form of storyline to it and is directed by someone that when it comes to this sort of sci fi spectacular actually knows what they’re doing, 1 and a half out of 5.

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