Saturday, January 7, 2012

Film Review - One Day (2011)

One Day is based off the novel by David Nicholls who also wrote the screenplay for the film adaptation and it concerns Dexter (Jim Sturgess) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) two UK university students who meet on graduation day and decide to stay in touch over the years on July 15th, with both having their ups and downs along the way.

One Day was a film that I'm sorry to say I didn't like very much at all mainly for two key reasons: first off all Hathaway herself: she just doesn't do anything with the material to make it work at all and her British accent is appalling ranging from "a bit a here and a bit a there" but mostly sounding like an impression of Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast you know "Mrs. Potts dear, how would you like a nice pot of tea, it'll warm you up in no time" which got really annoying, why oh why wasn't someone like Carey Mulligan cast in that role, it would've been perfect.

Another is the character of Dexter himself, mainly for his irresponsibility throughout the whole film and his screwing up of everything he touches since leaving Uni, if he and Emma had gotten together in the early 90s when he wasn't a total cock up in life you'd have a much better film and everything would've turned out better for both of them but as it stands they didn't and the film suffers as a result.

You know, I hate to rag on it as I love When Harry met Sally so much and again I have to say, rent that film instead, at least you'll have a good time watching it as all this did was once again make me appreciate just how good that film really was, 1 out of 5.

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