Predators is the newest installment in the Predator series and comes from producer Robert Rodriguez and concerns Royce played by Adrian Brody who awakes in freefall to a distant alien world, completely unaware that he is not alone and in for the hunt of his life.
I approached this movie with dog shit expectations as everything I read about this movie had me convinced that it was going to be little more than a remake of the original Predator movie from 1987 which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and was directed by John McTiernan so that was my expectation.
And to be frank, it didn't even meet that as this movie to me was a complete joke of a movie, and the main reasons why are:
1. All of the best bits felt like riffs on scenes from the first movie; from the jungle setting, the skinned bodies, the use of the mini gun, even the final fight all of those scenes were handled far better in the first film.
2. Not one person in the main group is worth giving two shits about as most of the time they come across as obnoxious dicks who shout or whine about their predicament, in the first Predator Arnold's group was built up before they got to the jungle, here they're dropped into the jungle right away and as a result, you don't care about any of them and just want the Predators to kill them.
All in all, I hated this movie almost as much as this year's Robin Hood, long-time Predator fans may like it but as someone who enjoyed the first movie I felt like I was watching a rehash of it and not a new Predator story, so just a .5 out of 5.
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