Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Film Review - Dragonball Evolution (2009)

Warning: This review contains mild coarse language.

Dragonball Evolution tells the story of a young man called Goku played by Justin Chatwin and his quest for the seven mystic Dragonballs which when brought together will grant their finder a single wish, but there are forces both good and evil who will stop at nothing to find them.

And I pretty much have one thing I want to say in regards to this film: It is a complete piece of fucking shit and the worst movie to be released this year, and here is where my review splits in two, first off just on its own the movie is laughable, the special effects are poor, Chow Yun Fat is wasted and the film has the look of a low budget film.

Second, the storyline makes no sense as several key characters from the TV series on which this is based are gone, the most criminal omission being Kami, now in the original show, Kami and Piccolo were one being who were later split in two and from there Kami created the dragon balls and because of this, Piccolo was allowed to live despite being Goku’s enemy at that point in the series, the point being that if he died, so would Kami and the dragon balls would become useless, here none of that matters as Goku is also reduced to a whiny brat whereas in the show, he always kept going and knew how to win the day.

I could of course go on but I was a big fan of the TV show and to see it get this pointless treatment makes me pissed, so I’m giving this garbage a 0 out of 5.

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