Friday, August 28, 2009

I would have waited an eternity for this: The Return of James Cameron

As the title says above, December this year sees the release of Avatar, an action sci-fi film starring Australia’s own Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana from Star Trek and Sigourney Weaver, but why am I saying that I would wait an eternity for it.

Well it’s because of who is in the director’s chair, Avatar is the first major movie to be directed by James Cameron since his box office champion Titanic soared to the top of the charts in 1997, Cameron also had a hand in the first two Terminator movies and the 1986 sci-fi sequel Aliens, all three of which are nearly revered by sci-fi fans, myself included due to the fact that they combine heart and hardware effortlessly, a lesson Michael Bay and McG seriously need to learn.

But one question still remains, will Avatar actually deliver the goods and have people like myself jumping for joy at Cameron’s long overdue return, well unfortunately no one can answer that as a trailer hasn’t even been released yet but based on very early word it seems to have more in common with an earlier film from Cameron titled “The Abyss”, which I found to be a very good film that was ultimately undone by its ambitions, but I’ll definitely be watching with intense interest and will try my darndest to see it opening weekend.

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