Thursday, March 17, 2022

Film Review - Dog (2022)

 Dog stars Channing Tatum (he also co-directed the film with Reid Carolin) as Jackson a former US Army Ranger who is keen to return to service despite some medical issues which have seen him leave active duty but he is given one last chance to earn his stripes and to do so he must escort an old Ranger buddy of his’s former combat Dog Lulu to his family funeral in Arizona and from there a long adventure of discovery and hijinks ensue.


Dog is an okay film, worth a couple of pats overall but not a good enough girl to deserve any doggo treats, Tatum is pretty good here and he sells some of the Army stuff well and he gets on well with the dog who plays Lulu but I found myself getting kinda bored while watching this movie.


And I think the main reason for that is that his character for most of the film is almost always trying to be something he’s not, he’s always making some excuse or saying he’s this when he’s really that and after a few moments of this happening I got kinda sick of it now I’m not one of those who thinks that movies should always be ethical they should be what they need to be to tell the story that they and the creative team behind it want to tell no matter how dark or light but here I don’t think this particular character trait worked very well for me and I wanted him to own up to who he was earlier in the film than he does.


That said there are also some nice moments in the film one with another former Ranger stands out and Tom Sigel delivers some nice cinematography with some of the landscapes as Jackson and Lulu make their way to the funeral but apart from those I wasn’t all that fussed with this movie and I suspect it will be another one that comes and goes like so many have done so far this year.


And so that was Dog and she’s a good girl worth a couple of pats for sure but she wasn’t that good to give a doggo treat to, 2 out of 5.

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