Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Film Review - The Little Things (2021)

 The Little Things stars Denzel Washington as Joe Deacon a former Los Angeles Homicide Detective who now works in a small town Sheriff’s office but is asked to come to LA to investigate a series of murders that have happened there which runs him afowl of the detective (Rami Malek) assigned to investigate the case.


They say it is the Little Things that make up life.


Well, I would say that it’s the Little Things that make a movie like this work such as having a compelling mystery that’s worth giving a damn about which this movie does not have instead it has a pathetic mystery that is so tied up in knots it’s hard to follow.


Its also the little things like having a compelling detective hero to get behind and care about as they try to solve the mystery, recent films like Rian Johnson’s Knives Out and the Australian film the Dry not only gave us great mysteries worth following but also really good detective characters here there are two of them Washington and Malek and Malek had no business being in this movie at all.


And that’s not to kick him in the teeth which others have had a tendency to do since his Oscar win 2 years ago its that his character feels so superfluous to the story at hand that he should have been removed entirely and it also does not help that he just cannot compete with Denzel Washington in terms of pure star power holding your interest (I heard a few people say yesterday that they were going to see this movie because of him.)


And also it’s the Little Things like having a great killer at the centre of it which movies like Silence of the Lambs and David Fincher’s Seven do have but this movie does not have and there’s hardly any killing in the film at all and post Seven which it feels like this movie was written after its just not good enough anymore none of it is.


And this movie shouldn’t waste the Little Things like the dollarydoos in your wallet either, rent Silence of the Lambs instead or Seven, 1.5 out of 5.

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