Thursday, January 9, 2020

Film Review - The Gentlemen (2020)

The Gentlemen is directed by Guy Ritchie and concerns Raymond (Charlie Hunnam) the number 2 man to Mickey (Matthew McConaughey) and his drug empire but one night he is visited by a reporter (Hugh Grant) who knows about his operation and wants to know more while also telling him a story about it at the same time.

The Gentlemen is a fun movie that has an awful lot of coarse language in it which more than justifies its MA rating so those who don’t like that sort of thing would be best to skip this movie especially as there is multiple uses of the C word in the film but it didn’t bother me I enjoyed the language and the violence for the most part and it was nice to see Mr Ritchie go back to his Lock Stock/Snatch roots though he made those films with Matthew Vaughn and Mr Vaughn was clearly the better of the two there.

Also the cast is here to play and it shows, Mr Grant continues his good fortune after his great turn in Paddington 2 as the villain and is good fun here, I enjoyed seeing Mr Hunnam in this movie though he very much plays a support act here while Mr McConaughey also does a good job as the seasoned man who wants the quiet life while Mr Henry Golding, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell and Jeremy Strong are fun and enjoyable in their roles as well.

Though I have to give a special shout out to Ms Michelle Dockery who yes plays the standard Gangster’s Moll character but plays it very well that every time she came on screen I really enjoyed every moment she was on it plus there is a very cool play on the F word that had me laughing the most in this movie.

If I have one complaint though I have to say that the story does get a little too twisty turny at times in terms of who’s where and what’s what and who’s trying to do what and who all the players are and their allegiances changing sometimes that becomes very hard to follow while your watching it and while it doesn’t make the film overall feel like a mess it does knock it down a peg or two for me.

And so that was the Gentlemen and it’s a fun time in the Summer Movie calendar that won’t become a big favorite but you’ll have fun for 2 hours nonetheless, 3 out of 5.

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