Saturday, October 12, 2019

Film Review - Gemini Man (2019)

Gemini Man is directed by Ang Lee and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and stars Will Smith as a professional assassin who after performing a hit on a man on a train decides to go into retirement but a mysterious organisation called Gemini headed up by a government agent played by Clive Owen thinks otherwise and sends the perfect weapon after him to kill him.

Gemini Man is very much a throwback to the kind of action films that made Mr Bruckheimer’s name as a producer, movies like Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Bad Boys, The Rock and Con Air among others; these big action films with high concept ideas at the centre of them and Gemini Man is very much along those lines and I had fun with the film as a result as a silly action film.

Also performance wise it was pretty solid, Mr Smith seems to finally be giving a damn being in movies again with this and Aladdin this year and its certainly nice to see him go back to his mid to late 90s prime of Independence Day and Men in Black, Ms Mary Elizabeth Winstead was someone I enjoyed seeing again while also wishing she had a better career in front of her while Mr Benedict Wong is good fun as one of Smith’s former partners.

As for Mr Clive Owen well he’s just taking what he can at this stage sad to say but he was fine enough in the film also as for the younger Will Smith it’s probably the best use of de-aging technology I’ve seen in a movie yet as rarely did I think I was looking at a computer generated face, there was some good expression and emotion at times and there was one shot of the younger Will where he literally looked like he had just walked off the set of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

If I do have an issue with the movie its sadly the ending as the climax pretty much takes place in what looks like a Home Hardware Dogalogue store and it got a bit too silly for my liking though thankfully it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as the Equalizer where Denzel basically lured all the bad guys to Bunnings Warehouse and killed them there and Mitre 10 getting a new log line “Come in here if you want to live.”

And so that was Gemini Man and it’s a fun silly high concept Bruckheimer action film that I enjoyed watching, 3 out of 5.

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