Saturday, June 8, 2019

Film Review - Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)

Secret Life of Pets 2 is the sequel to 2016’s Secret Life of Pets by Illumination Entertainment and this time Patton Oswalt replaces Louis CK as the voice of Max the Puppy as he comes to terms with his owner Katie having a son named Liam and he and his family head off to the Farm where he meets Rooster (Harrison Ford) meanwhile Gidget (Jenny Slate) loses his beloved Busy Bee squeaky toy and needs the help of Chloe the Cat (Lake Bell) to get it back.

Now I was very keen for this 2nd Secret Life of Pets movie for 3 reasons, firstly I was a big fan of the first movie and have always enjoyed watching it when it comes on, 2nd Chloe the Cat was my favorite character from that film as she was so much like a real Cat (I’m a Cat Lover okay) and 3rd Harrison Ford was joining the voice cast and he’s Indiana Jones and Han Solo and awesome all around despite his grouchiness of recent years.

And happily I can say that this sequel delivered the goods and I had as much fun with this movie as I did with the first film and firstly Mr Oswalt is a huge improvement on Mr CK as Max, his voice work really captures that sweetness and overprotective nature that Puppies develop for their human masters something that CK in the first film never managed to bring into the proceedings as it really just sounded like him doing his comedy act as a Dog so I don’t miss him at all.

Harrison Ford is the best I’ve seen him be in a long time, a long time in this movie and watching him as Rooster the Farm Dog it felt like the old Harrison Ford again the man who was Indiana Jones and Han Solo and who went “WHEN I CAME HOME THERE WAS A MAN IN MY HOUSE” in the Fugitive and who yelled “GET OFF MY PLANE” as the President in Air Force One and after what feels like a lifetime of watching him phone in an awful lot of roles it was certainly refreshing to see him back on top form.

But as a Cat Lover I have to mark this sequel down as sadly Chloe gets lost in the shuffle of characters and sideplots, there’s a third plot with Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish which was okay but I’m not the biggest fan of those 2 and after a while they tended to shout a lot of their lines to try and get a laugh and I didn’t really laugh all that much during that storyline and for me Chloe feels so much like a real life Cat in her behaviour that to see her sidelined to basically a side role as compared to the first film where she felt like a part of the main cast of Pets was very very disappointing for me hopefully if a 3rd film is made a Cat Lover will join the script team and she will get her due.

And so that was Secret Life of Pets 2 and it’s the same fun time I had with the first film but Chloe the Cat getting a reduced role marks it down somewhat for me, 3 out of 5.

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