Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Film Review - Power Rangers (2017)

Power Rangers is based off of the 1990s TV Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and is set in Angel Grove a small American town home to 5 kids who are in detention Jason (Dacre Montgomery), Billy (CJ Cyler), Kimberley (Naomi Scott), Zack (Ludi Lin) and Trini (Becky G) all 5 discover a buried spaceship home to Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) and Zordon (Bryan Cranston) who recruit the young kids to stop Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks.)

I was initially very reluctant to see this movie for while I was a Power Rangers fan when I was growing up (the original 1995 film was shot here in Australia) I thought this wreaked of a studio in this case Lionsgate in desperate need of a franchise to keep them afloat but then people I trust gave this film a thumbs up so I decided to go and see it.

And I am very glad I did as I had a lot of fun watching this movie and the reason for that primarily is the young cast they play off each other very well and each have individual traits that put you on side with them I particularly liked young Dacre Montgomery and when watching him I thought "He would've made a good Scott Summers/Cyclops" because you believe in him as a leader of a team I also quite liked Naomi Scott as Kimberley she had a real spunk to her.

Oh and Hader, Cranston and Banks are pretty good as well Banks in particular is a lot of fun to watch as Rita and she makes for a really fun villain.

The film also has some pretty neat visual effects especially in the final act that made me think "They actually did something with this" because when looking back at the original series as an adult its low budget roots really show but here with today's Visual Effects you can really do something with the various Zords and Monsters seen throughout that series.

Where the film does fall down is also in that third act where it got a little too much like the recent Transformers movies for my liking with the loud destruction, the close up editing and noisy sound design that just sounded like banging and crashing pots and pans with no real depth to it and that was where I started to lose interest a little but the well developed young team never let it become too boring in that part of the film.

And so that was the new Power Rangers which is good fun and well worth seeing, 3 out of 5.

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