Thursday, October 13, 2016

Film Review - Deepwater Horizon (2016)

Deepwater Horizon is based off of a true story of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and stars Marl Wahlberg and Kurt Russell as two of the oil workers who head out to the Rig only to find out that the BP owners (one played by John Malkovich) have sent some of the test workers home without doing a Cement Test, later on the Rig catches fire after an Oil Leak and the race is on to survive.

Deepwater Horizon comes across as a great story and tribute to the real guys who went through this disaster (the worst in US History) but as a film I merely thought it was okay and the reason for that I feel is that it plays out a lot like a typical disaster movie:

- Something goes BOOM!
- How bad did it go BOOM!
- Very bad
- Run, Go, Get to Da Choppa
- Get to the Lifeboars she's going down
- Oh this can't go wrong, YES IT FUCKING DID!!!

Some of the order of that is not the same as in the film but it has the same feeling to it and yeah the disaster effects are pretty cool but I wasn't all that interested in it as a story, Wahlberg and Russell are their reliable old selves but Malkovich was the show winner here with his slightly slimy accent and perfect corporate asshole ness.

And so that was Deepwater Horizon, an okay disaster flick that is worth a rental, 2 out of 5.

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