Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Film Review - Hitchcock/Truffaut (2016)

Hitchcock/Truffaut is a documentary based around a series of interviews conducted over a week in 1962 between Alfred Hitchcock and Francois Truffaut though the doco also contains comments from some of our own master filmmakers like Martin Scorsese and David Fincher among others.

This doco was fantastic truly terrific stuff though it does get off to a bit of a slow start but when it gets to just the 2 men talking about their craft it becomes probably the greatest master class on cinema that any film lover could ever dream of to the point where you become tempted to get out a book and start writing down everything they're saying in the hope that you will learn something out of it all.

One thing I picked up the most from this doco was a line of Hitch's that he wrote in a letter to Truffaut saying that perhaps he should have taken more risks with his work and experimented a bit more with his art form which was so precise and carefully crafted yet came with a deep understanding of his audience and that resonated with me given how this year in movies in particular has played out where more and more filmmakers if they spend a big budget don't really get to do much with their medium instead they just follow orders.

And one only has to see the new Fantastic Four or Suicide Squad to see where that can lead it rarely ends well and even if a filmmaker does get to experiment like Dr George Miller did with Mad Max Fury Road last year or Edgar Wright did with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World there's no guarantee that audiences will jump on board en masse so it can be a bit of a double edged sword sometimes.

And so that was Hitchcock/Truffaut a great doco and one of my fav film watching experiences of the year, 4 and a half out of 5.

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