Saturday, March 23, 2013

Film Review - Dredd (2012)

Dredd stars Karl Urban as the titular Judge Dredd of the future, where 800 million people live in the ruins of the old world, one day however he is asked to take on a rookie for an assessment named Anderson (Olivia Thirlby) as they go about a signal inside the Peach Trees complex, run by the wicked Ma-Ma (Lena Headey)

I thoroughly enjoyed this new take on Dredd, Alex Garland's script really nails the character and the world and it will quickly wash away the bad taste left by the Sly Stallone version of the character released in 1995, Urban is terrific in the role and his gruff demeanour really grows on you, Thirlby has a strong resemblance to Rachel McAdams but also delivers the goods as the young rookie on the job, how refreshing it is to see a strong female character in a film for once and not the borderline sexist stereotyping we see far too often as hey that's the easier way to go.

Another strong female character that needs mentioning is Ma-Ma herself, Headey plays the role like a complete bitch and doesn't resort to going over the top in the part as other actresses may be tempted to do when they get a role like this one and as a villain she's simply fantastic, cold and ruthless at the same time as well as being willing to show no mercy, again so refreshing to see a great female character in a film, it's a sad shame that there's so few of them in the movies these days.

But hey, Dredd is a thoroughly enjoyable action film and its absolutely worth seeing, 4 out of 5.

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