Sunday, January 13, 2013

Film Review - Life of Pi (2013)

Life of Pi is directed by Ang Lee and the story concerns a young Indian boy named Pi who along with his family leaves India for a new life in America but the cargo ship they travel on sinks and Pi is left as the only survivor but his long journey will have some unexpected company.

Life of Pi is a solid and well done movie and is well directed by Lee who keeps a firm handle on the reins and as a result, the film never feels too long or too short, instead it feels like that third bowl of Porridge, just right, Suraj Sharma is also very good as young Pi and anchors the film nicely which also allows you to feel for him on his long and sometimes hopeless voyage to find land.

However, one thing I do want to complain about is the film's 3D, don't get me wrong it's not terrible and there are several scenes that made me think that it was some of the best 3D done to date but those bright spots fail to make the overall 3D experience look dark and dim and there were times where I took off the glasses and it looked about 50% brighter and clearer than it did wearing the glasses during the film.

So all in all Life of Pi may have been just a good movie overall not a great one but it was one that I found enjoyable to watch, see it in 2D if you can, 3 out of 5.

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