Saturday, September 29, 2012

Film Review - The Way (2012)

The Way is directed by Emilio Estevez and stars his real life father Martin Sheen as an eye doctor named Tom who learns that his son Daniel (Estevez) has died in a freak storm walking "The Way" a pilgrimage to Santiago, to honour his late son Tom decides to take the trip himself.

The Way is a well made and quite touching film, Estevez shows a good directorial eye and at 2 hours the film is nicely paced, never feeling too long but also not walking through its beautiful sights and not stopping somewhat to take in the sights, breath the air and smell some of the roses also.

But my praise doesn't end there, it also extends to Juan Miguel Azpiroz's cinematography and the performances by Sheen, Tcheky Karyo, Deborah Kara Unger, James Nesbitt and Yorick van Wageningen as the other three pilgrims who accompany Tom on his adventure, the 4 of them together makes for one of the year's best ensemble casts.

So all in all, the Way is a great and touching adventure that is well worth checking out, 3 and a half out of 5.

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