The Batman is directed and co-written by Matt Reeves and
stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Batman as well as Zoe Kravitz as Selina
Kyle/Catwoman, Andy Serkis as Alfred, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon and
Paul Dano as the Riddler who seeks to destroy Gotham City by uncovering a deep
dark secret regarding the rot that lies at the heart of the City, a rot that a
newly minted Batman will have to confront and stop even if that mystery lies at
the heart of his family name.
The Batman was the main comic book I’ve been anticipating
this year and that is mainly down to the excellent previews for the film which
looked great on the big cinema screen as well but when I read about the films 3
hour runtime I began to get very nervous and it did dwindle my anticipation a
little mainly because I began to feel that half of the film would be this movie
and the other half would just be setup for all the future movies and streaming
shows and I am getting pretty tired of that personally speaking.
Plus this movie has some stiff competition to overcome
for me in terms of the 1989 Batman film with Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton
as well as 2005’s Batman Begins and 2008’s The Dark Knight which were directed
by Christopher Nolan and starred Christian Bale as Batman but could this new
Batman movie rise to the fire of that stiff competition or just be a Baaaabaaay
as I give it another Kiss from a Rose on the Grave Oooooooo.
Well this new Batman movie is neither a Kiss from a Rose
on the Grave but nor does it go Face to Face with the best Batman movies, this
one for me is very much middle of the road but before I delve more into those
issues I want to write more about the positives.
Firstly I think Pattinson is pretty good as Batman but I
don’t think he was as good as Michael Keaton or Ben Affleck were when they played
Batman for while I think Pattinson is a good Batman and is happy to let the
Batsuit do most of the talking in those scenes (Pattinson is said to have been
reluctant to bulk up for the role and I can understand why now seeing him in
the suit) I don’t think he was given enough scenes to establish both his Bruce
Wayne and his relationship with Alfred which is a cornerstone relationship of
the Batman stories.
And this leads me into Serkis as Alfred and like Pattinson
as Bruce Wayne he sadly doesn’t get enough screentime to make a dent in the
role in the same way that Michael Gough, Jeremy Irons and even Michael Caine
did when they played Alfred in their films but Jeffrey Wright may well be the
best Gordon we’ve ever seen on film and that’s because Reeves and his co-writer
Peter Craig make him integral to the story and Wright commits in a way that we
never really saw the other Gordons get to do in their movies even Gary Oldman.
As for the villains well Kravitz is okay as Catwoman/Selina
but I prefer Michelle Pfeiffer in the role from Batman Returns, Colin Farrell is
outstanding as the Penguin and you will not recognise him in this role while
Paul Dano is a good Riddler even if at times he is hard to understand when he
talks under that heavy mask.
But the one weak link for me is John Turturro as Falcone,
a lot of the time I just thought that not only did Turturro seem old and weak
in this role but his scenes really dragged down the story for me and didn’t really
hold my interest very much and at 3 hours in length his character should’ve
been removed from the script and more of a focus given to the Penguin instead
as I believed him more as the chief crime boss of Gotham as compared to Falcone.
And so that was the Batman and it’s a good movie but it
just doesn’t compare to the best Batman films for me due to how some of the
characters are used and the 3 hours length was not needed this could’ve been
much better at 2 and a half hours at most, 3 out of 5.