The Wrath of Man is directed by Guy Ritchie and stars Jason Statham as H, a man who was shot during a robbery and awakens from hospital to find out his son is dead so he joins a local security company which handles money transfers from banks and does very well in that job but on his mind is revenge against those responsible for the death of his son.
Wrath of Man is typical of a Guy Ritchie film and also typical of a Jason Statham film and as someone who didn’t really have a lot of high hopes for this movie going into see it I was more or less entertained by the movie I did watch.
Firstly the guns and geezers running around shooting at each other while also planning complicated plots which Ritchie made his trademark style for the most part is on full show here though the action takes place in Los Angeles instead of London and I think it hurts the story overall as LA doesn’t really lend itself naturally to that kind of story whereas London does and the look of London as a city can be a lot more cinematic at times than LA which has a lot of palm trees and bright sunshine and pretty city shots especially at night but unless your going to use a specific style visuals wise LA isn’t the best looking city on film.
As for the plot well its fine again typical of what Ritchie has done over most of his career and along with the Gentlemen from last year has tried to go back to after making Aladdin for Walt Disney Pictures in 2019 and horribly I must add.
As for the Stath well he is his usual self, speaks very little, creates a brooding presence and kills a lot of people and again that is perfectly fine, I have been up and down on the Stath in the last few years with some of his movies being better than others but here I thought he was okay, perfectly fine if nothing fantastic.
And that’s really Wrath of MAAAAAN in a nutshell, perfectly fine, more or less what you expect of its lead and its director and serviceable fun for 2 hours for me at a time when that’s all I’ve really wanted from movies at the moment, 3 out of 5.