Friday, August 18, 2017

Film Review - Logan Lucky (2017)

Logan Lucky is directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum and Adam Driver as a pair of brothers Driver’s character only has one arm while Tatum’s is laid off due to insurance liability so he decides to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway but to do that he will need the help of Joe Bang (Daniel Craig) who is currently incar-cer-rated.

Logan Lucky is a good dose of silly fun that is mainly elevated by its performances, Tatum and Driver are a good pair and they commit fully to their roles even if Tatum himself can be a bit dull at times, Craig is really fun as the ex-con with the southern accent as are Katie Holmes (a surprise I know), Riley Keough and Hilary Swank and boy was it nice to see her again in a movie it has been far too long.

Unfortunately this movie suffers from a common ailment of heist flicks which is a tendency to over complicate the heist to the point where it’s all supposed to come together you still find yourself getting a little lost as to how it all came together and with a good heist film when you get to the reveal you want to go “Oh so that’s how it all happened very good” whereas here it doesn’t quite do that and as a result when it all ended I found myself feeling a little cold about the film.

Now don’t get me wrong Logan Lucky is good clean fun with southern accents but its also a bit forgettable so I’d wait for a matinee session before seeing it, 2 out of 5.

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