Thursday, March 30, 2017

Film Review - Life (2017)

Life stars Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson and Jake Gyllenhaal as astronauts on the International Space Station who pick up a probe coming from Mars they and their team then study the probe and see that it has a lifeform on it but just because it's an organic lifeform that then starts picking off the crew one by one doesn't mean it's a bad person.

Life has some pretty neat gooey Blood effects but overall it's a pretty boring sci-fi horror flick that has the unfortunate misfortune to open so close to Alien: Covenant which Ridley Scott is making as this really does come across as a very poor imitator (my cinema had the posters for both films side by side from each other even.)

The main reason this falls over is the characters all of them are one note bland and boring nobodies that you don't even get to spend much time with in their day to day lives on the ISS before the blood starts a flowing and this was a genuine highlight of both Alien and Aliens both films had a very clearly defined group of characters that we spent a lot of time with and who we came to understand before the terror and tension came bursting on the screen whereas here it starts almost straight away after a few brief scenes.

What this film also lacks is a character like Hudson in Aliens and this came to mind for me with the very sad death of Bill Paxton last month and Hudson in that film essentially represents a lot of the audience watching that film which is he's the one having the breakdown ("17 Days? We're not gonna last 17 hours" "Hudson, HUDSON") whereas here a lot of them sit around and try to figure out what to do which I thought.

"Here's an idea, go down to the Ammunition decks get the Nuclear Warhead and strap one to your head, you'll knock the Smegger to oblivion."

It also represents a real waste of all 3 of those talented actors who deserve a lot better than this.

And so that was Life and frankly wait for Alien: Covenant in May but it does have some cool gooey Blood effects so it's not a complete disaster, 2 out of 5.

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