Saturday, November 28, 2015

Film Review - San Andreas (2015)

San Andreas stars Dwayne Johnson as Ray Gaines a chief in the Los Angeles Fire Department who is also divorcing from his wife (Carla Gugino) but a giant Earthquake emerges from the San Andreas Fault and this could threaten everyone in California.

San Andreas is one of the better disaster films we've had in the last few years (certainly miles ahead of that ridiculous 2012 from 2009 which just went on and on sillily) and primarily it is because of the disaster of the fault one of the world's key fault lines plus Johnson plays a very real character that we can get behind and it nicely contrasts from his usual larger than life persona.

Sadly however outside of him and the films terrific visual effects (and they are good as they show off nicely the scope and scale of the film) I found it harder and harder to care all that much about the rest of the films characters (the douche lover, the young hot daughter, the daughter's love interest, the ex wife) the longer the film went on, if this had been 90 to 100 minutes of good time disaster popcorn entertainment I might have had more fun but instead it goes on for nearly 2 hours and the climax of this film just ran on too long.

And so that was San Andreas, fun for the most part but also too long, 2 out of 5.

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